Lion Totem Warrior
The lion totem warrior is bold and proud, a leader among other warriors. As he progresses through levels, he looks more and more leonine - his teeth elongate, his body becomes covered with a light layer of fur, and he develops a sort of mane.
Hit Dice: d10
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The lion totem warrior is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and Heavy, Medium and Light armor, and Shields.
Animal Companion: Lion
- 1st Level -- Wily Hunter: The lion totem warrior gains the Track feat for free, and gains a +2 compentency bonus on Wilderness Survival checks using Track.
- 4th level -- Lion's Roar (Su): The lion totem warrior can, as a standard action, let out a frightening roar. All opponents within 30 feet must make a will save (DC 10+Cha mod) or be shaken for 1d4 rounds, suffering -1 to all attacks and saves. Opponents with less hit dice than the warrior must make a second will save or be forced to flee, as per Compelling Command. The lion totem warrior can use this power a number of times a day equal to his charisma modifier.
- 8th Level -- Pride Leader (Ex): If the lion totem warrior and an ally both threaten an enemy, that enemy is considered flanked.
- 12th Level -- Shape of the Lion (Su): The lion totem warrior can take on the form and stats of a lion totem animal companion apprpriate to her level: in other words, a lion's stats with +1 HD for every level she has above 11th level. She can take this form once per day, for up to 10 mins per class level.
- 16th Level --Aura of Command (Su): All allies within 10' of the lion totem warrior gain a +1 morale bonus to attacks and saves. All enemies within 10' suffer a -1 morale penalty to attacks and saves. The lion totem warrior is also immune to all fear effects.
- 20 Level -- TBD.