The Immortals

The Immortals are the mortal enforcers of the godlings - a group of people that have committed themselves so fully to a particular godling (they are not so much priests as they are zealots) that they surrender themselves to it, sacrificing both their will and their being, and gain a portion of the godling's power. At higher levels, they begin to anticipate the godling's needs and wield more and more of their power, but they also tend to take on the personalities of their sovereigns, becoming more and more capricious and rash. Servitude to the godlings brings great power, but also has great costs - the Immortals burn out quickly, but they enjoy great power while they can.

Each godling has a limited number of Immortals - there are always many of their faithful ready to take up the position if one falls, but they never have more than 30 at any given time. Some godlings have far less, though all have at least one. Some godlings will immediately elevate someone who is able to slay one of their Immortals to the vacant position, others have arcane and twisted tests they require petitioners to overcome, and some simply allow their current servants to make the decisions.

Nearly any class can become an Immortal, though some are less likely to do so. Greenbonds and Witches give up the most, forsaking their prior beliefs, and are correspondingly rare in the godling's service. Certain Champions might find the path difficult, but the godlings will accept any who truly wish to follow them. However, a Greenbond or Witch that becomes one of the Immortals may not gain any further levels in their prior classes - godlings are jealous masters. Totem warriors, warmains and unfettered are the most likely candidates, as their combat abilities are a boon to the godling, while the occasional totem warrior is able to reconcile their beliefs in the Beast Gods and the Godlings (or forsake their prior beliefs) enough to follow. Some Oathsworn find the godlings, and their oaths typically refer to either fulfilling a particular task, or setting themselves as vigilant bodyguards.

Immortal levels stack with spellcasting class levels for purposes of determining caster level for all spells.


Attack Bonus

Fort. Save

Ref. Save

Will Save







Know thy Enemy, Mark of the Faith






Channel the Thought






Oath of Supplication












Righteous Fury






Oath of Service






Channel the Might






Mantle of the Faith






Oath of Subservience, Will made Flesh








To qualify to become one of the Immortals, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Knowledge (Religion): 5 ranks.
Great Fortitude

The Immortals' class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Ceremony) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int).
Skill Points at each level: 2 + Int modifier.
Hit Die: d8

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The Immortals are proficient with simple and martial weapons, light, medium and heavy armor and shields.

Know Thy Enemy
The Immortals may add their Immortal levels to all Knowledge (Religion) checks. 

Mark of the Faith
Upon taking the first level of Immortal, the character undergoes a ceremony that binds him to the Godling, as he combines his life essence with the godling.  During this ceremony, the character loses 1d6 permanent hit points off his total, which may never be recovered.  A sigil appears somewhere on his body (typically on the chest, arms, or cheek) bearing the godling’s symbol.  After this ceremony, the character gains an arcane bonus equal to their class level to all charisma-based checks when dealing with other followers of the godling, and suffers the same as a penalty for followers of other godlings as long as the sigil is visible.  This sigil detects as magic (faint transmutation). 

Additionally, the character loses 1 point of permanent constitution every time they gain a level of Immortal.  They also gain an +1 arcane bonus to con at the same time.  Effectively, their constitution stays the same.  However, this bonus is granted by the godling at their choice, and may be revoked at any time if the Immortal angers his master.  These arcane bonuses stack with each other.

Channel the Thought
The Immortal can contact the godling and ask questions that can be answered by a simple yes or no.  The Immortal is allowed one such question per class level. The answers given are correct within the limits of the godling’s knowledge. "Unclear" is a legitimate answer. In cases where a one-word answer would be misleading or contrary to the godling’s interests, the DM should give a short phrase (five words or less) as an answer instead. The ability, at best, provides information to aid character decisions.  If the Immortal doesn't focus on the conversation, discusses the answers at length with other parties, or leaves to undertake another task, the contact ends.

Oath of Supplication
Upon reaching third level, the Immortal undergoes another ceremony, where they swear an Oath of Supplication to the godling.  The Immortal promises to serve no other before the godling, and reject all prior masters.  In return for this Oath, they are granted powers similar to those granted to an Oathsworn – they gain the Eschew Food oath.  If the Immortal has levels in Oathsworn, then they simply add their Immortal levels to their Oathsworn level for the purposes of determining special abilities (they gain all class abilities of a character who had Oathsworn levels equal to their Oathsworn level + their Immortal level).  However, this (and subsequent) Oath is only considered broken if it is decreed so by the godling. 

Once per day, the Immortal may undergo a 20-minute ceremony, after which she is put in telepathic communication with the godling.  The godling is under no obligation to respond, but typically will at least answer the communication, and determine whether the conversation is of interest.  The conversation lasts for up to 1 minute/class level.  The Immortal may communicate with the godling as though she was physically in the godling’s presence.

Righteous Fury
The Immortal may rage (as a barbarian) a number of times per day equal to his Immortal class level.  If the rage is used in a way directly relating to the Godling’s will (DM’s discretion), such as destroying the foes of the Godling, or defending the godling, the Immortal gains an arcane bonus to attack and damage equal to 1/3 their Immortal level, rounded up.  A Immortal acting in their godling’s service can be a terrifying creature to behold.

Oath of Service
Upon reaching sixth level, the Immortal undergoes a second Oath ceremony, where she swears an Oath of Service to the godling.  The Immortal promises to obey the godling in all things, and to act always in the godling’s best interests, putting her own desires second - in return for this Oath, she is granted further powers.  She gains the Eschew Water, Refuse Fatigue and Refuse Fear Oaths, as an Oathsworn.  If she was previously an Oathsworn, and she would not ordinarily gain these oaths yet, she gains them early.

Channel the Might
The Immortal’s close connection with the godling allows the godling to send a portion of their essence to the Immortal to bolster their abilities. After 1 minute of concentration and supplication, the Immortal may imbue any weapon (or their unarmed attacks) with the Raging ability of the godling’s choice (Raging Elemental, Raging Energy).  This ability lasts for 1 min/class level once invoked.    If the character has spell abilities, they may instead channel the power in to their spells, and gain the benefits of a Heightened Enhance Magical Flow (Lesser) for 1 min/class level.  The Immortal may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his cha bonus.  An Immortal with no Cha bonus may use it once a week.

Mantle of the Faith
The Immortal may call upon the godling’s power to protect himself. Activating the Mantle is a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Once invoked, the Immortal gains a +2 force bonus to AC, and gains the benefits of the Elemental/Energy Sheath of the godling’s choice. Alternatively, they may invoke a modified version of Protective Charm, which affects everyone within 100 yards, and lasts for 1 minute. The Immortal may invoke the Mantle a number of times per day equal to their charisma bonus. If they have no charisma bonus, they can invoke it once per week.

Oath of Subservience
Upon reaching ninth level, the Immortal undergoes a final Oath ceremony, where she swears an Oath of Subservience to the godling.  The Immortal offers up his very life essence to the godling, and promises to subsume his will to that of the godling, acting always in the godling’s service.  In return for this Oath, she is granted further powers.  She gains the Refuse Wounds, Refuse poison or disease, and Eschew Air Oaths, as an Oathsworn.  If he was previously an Oathsworn, and he would not ordinarily gain these oaths yet, he gains them early.  He also gives up another 2 points of constitution to the Godling in this ceremony, but gains an additional +3 arcane bonus to constitution that stacks with all prior bonuses.

Will Made Flesh
At this point, the Immortal has become so connected to the godling that they may allow the godling access to any or all five of their senses - the godling may see through the Immortal’s eyes, hear through their ears, etc. When doing so, the Immortal’s will is subsumed completely, and they can simply observe what is happening. The Godling gains limited control of the Immortal's body, but may not take any complex actions. The Immortal may still defend themselves, react to danger, etc, but may not attack, cast spells, speak, or the like.

If the Godling wishes, they may attempt to manifest through the Immortal.  This process is extremely dangerous for the Immortal, but relatively harmless for the Godling.  The Immortal may attempt to resist the manifestation with extreme difficulty (Will save, DC 30).  If they make that attempt, they are considered to have denied the Godling, and lose access to all class features, as well as the con bonuses, whether they succeed or fail.  When the godling manifests, their form essentially replaces that of the Immortal, though the godling is somewhat weaker when manifesting in this manner (DM’s discretion).  If this form is destroyed, the godling is simply thrown back to their original location, but the Immortal is destroyed at that point (no physical remains are left behind).  If the godling releases the Immortal, they may make a fortitude save (DC 15+2/minute the godling occupied their form) to attempt to return to normal.  Failure indicates their system was unable to handle the stresses, and they immediately die.  Success still leaves them exhausted.

The Immortal gains the ability to take on a hybrid form of godling and human.  Assuming the form is a full round action which provokes attacks of opportunity.  In this new form, the Immortal grows to double his height, and his gear grows proportionally. This increase has the following effects:

He gains a +4 enlargement bonus to Strength, his size becomes one step larger, his mass increases by a factor of eight, and his weapons increase in size one step, increasing their damage as shown below.

Old DamageNew Damage

Magical properties of magic items that get bigger do not change.

Additionally, the character gains the ability to use the Stomp feat, regardless of his new size, and he gains 30 bonus hit points. The character glows with a brilliant radiance from within, affecting everyone within 60' as though they were in an area of direct sunlight, and negating all magical darkness within that area.This radiance also removes all concealment effects within the radius.