The Herbalist

The herbalist is a master of creating potions and philters, poultices and pills, using herbs and mushrooms. They know how to use herbs to heal, poison, and push the body beyond normal limits.

Barbarians and Rangers are the most common classes to become herbalists, with their love and knowledge of nature. Bards are a close second, with their encyclopedic knowledge and tidbits of information. Rogues will sometimes study herbs, primarily to gain the use of poisons. Fighters and Paladins that wish to retire from the fray and provide supporting roles occasionally find themselves studying herbal lore, but it is rare.

Hit Dice: d6.

LevelAttack BonusFort. SaveRef. SaveWill SaveSpecial
Create Advanced Mixture,
Natural Resistance
Terrain Familiarity
Herbalist Feat
Identify Ingredients
Poison Familiarity
Herbalist Feat, Sense Poison
Preserve Ingredients, Greater Terrain Familiarity
Safe Poison Use
Herbalist feat
Unique Preparation, Natural Immunity

Spells Per DaySpells Per DaySpells Per Day
Herbalist Spell List
1st level2nd level3rd level
Green Blockade
Endure Elements
Resist Elements
Protection From Elements
Detect Plants
Speak with plants
Control Plants
Briar Web
Plant Growth
Purify Food and Drink
Delay Poison
Neutralize Poison
Obscuring Mist
Might of the Oak
Diminish Plants
Know Direction
Warp Wood
Remove Disease
Pass without Trace


To qualify to become a Herbalist, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Any.
Knowledge (Nature) or Wilderness Lore: 8 ranks.
Heal: 8 ranks.
Search: 5 ranks.
Con: 13+
Wis: 13+

The Herbalist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Alchemy (Int), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Herbalism (Wis, Exclusive skill), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Search (Int), Swim (Str), Wilderness Lore (Wis) .

Skill Points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Herbalists are not profiecient with any weapons or armor.

Create Advanced Mixture
Beginning at first level, the herbalist gains access to the Herbalism skill (Wis, Exclusive), which allows him to create advanced mixtures - Herbal mixtures with DC of 15+2*Class level can be made.

Natural Resistance
Through long exposure to natural poisons, toxins and the like, the herbalist has learned a number of tricks to avoid their effects. The herbalist can add their wisdom bonus (if any) to their fortitude saves against any natural poison, toxin, etc.

Herbalist Feat
At 3nd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the herbalist gains one feat from the following list: Skill focus, Substitution*, Master Critic*, Scrounger*, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Toughness, Dwarf's Toughness, Giant's Toughness, Dragon's Toughness, Athletic, Endurance, Track, Create Infusion, Faster Healing.

Substitution: You are adept and changing out the raw materials of a mixture - if you are forced to substitute for one of the raw materials, your DC is +5, instead of the usual +10.
Master Critic: You are skilled in detecting when your concoctions have gone wrong. Your check to determine success is made at the normal DC, instead of DC +10
Scrounger: You are especially good at finding raw materials. You take half the listed time to locate materials. This only applies if you are using the proper ingredients - substitutes take the normal time.

Terrain Familiarity
At third level, the herbalist chooses one type of terrain (forest, swamp, mountain, etc). The herbalist gains a +2 competency check to spot, search, wilderness lore, and intuit direction rolls in that terrain type. This bonus increases by 1 at 7th level. In addition, if the herbalist spends more than 25% of the time in a designated "Home Range," they get an additional +1 bonus in that range.

Identify Ingredients
The herbalist can make a herbalism check against DC 15 to identify the ingredients of any mixture they encounter. They may make a second check at DC 20 to determine the base ingredients, and a third check at DC 25 to determine the approximate percentages, which would allow them to recreate the mixture. If any of these checks fail, no further checks are allowed.
Alternatively, they can make a check against the creation DC of the mixture to determine what it does.

Poison Familiarity
At fifth level, the herbalist has gained some skill with poisons. The chance to poison yourself is reduced by class level/2.

Sense Poison
The Herbalist has become highly familiar with the scent and taste of natural poisons. When actively trying to detect poisons, the Herbalist may add Herbalist class levels to the check. If not actively seeking them, the Herbalist may make a Herbalism check (DC 20) whenever a poison is within 5 feet to detect it.

Preserve Ingredients
At 7th level, the Herbalist learns how to preserve ingredients and prevent spoiling. With a successful Herbalism check (DC 15), you can preserve ingredients indefinately. This also allows the creation of a Herbalist's Kit.

Greater Terrain Familiarity
The herbalist gains an additional +1 bonus in his favored terrain. He also gains a +1 bonus to hide and move silently rolls in his favored terrain.

Safe Poison Use
The Herbalist can use poison safely, as an assassin. If the herbalist does not have ranks in Craft (Poisonmaking), you can use half your herbalist skill instead.

Natural Immunity
At 10th level, the Herbalist has vast experience with poisons, and is immune to all natural toxins, poisons an the like. He may make a fortitude save (DC 20) to ignore the negative affects of any Herbal Mixture. This is an extraordinary ability.

Unique Preparation
At 10th level, the Herbalist has become intimately famaliar with their craft, and has developed their own unique reciepes. The herbalist can choose one aspect of the receipe, which they can modify as they wish. If a mixture is modified once, the DC stays the same. Multiple changes increase the DC by 5 per change. Each aspect can be changed only once, but a single technique can be applied to different elements of a mixture. Examples of the modifications include:

New Rules for Herbalism
Herbal Mixtures